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La Trobe BCSA Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
Ashleigh Cockburn studied a Bachelor of Social Science at the University of Waikato and is now a Policy & Programs Officer at ACT Government.

Ashleigh Cockburn

  • Graduate stories
Another highlight is collaborating with our partners who operate in different markets. This provides a new perspective and invaluable insights into the broader global landscape, extending far beyond the borders of Australia.

Ashley Marfell

  • Graduate stories
Don’t get disheartened if you don’t get a job immediately after graduation. Do not have very high expectations from your first job, as it is more about the learning curve at that point in time.

Ashwini Shetty

  • Graduate stories
"The coolest thing about my job is handling lots of data from vendors because it’s really challenging not to make mistakes in entering data, sorting files, rechecking file contents, and so on."

Asri Rahma Syari

  • Graduate stories
"Kalau dari segi culture kerja, kita disini culturenya agile seperti budaya start up dimana kita bisa bebas dalam eksplor"

Atan Wicaksana Ramadanti

  • Graduate stories
"di L’Oreal ada yang namanya flex benefit. Flex benefit ini adalah dana (dengan kisaran tertentu) yang bisa kamu spend untuk healing contohnya nonton konser, bermain wahana, ataupun untuk biaya pendidikan anak juga bisa"

Attaya Artemis

  • Graduate stories
"Fake it till you make it itu terkadang bagus, cuma kamu harus kira-kira juga ya, jangan sampai kebablasan"

Aulia M. Widodo

  • Graduate stories
"Nutrifood ini mempunyai sebutan sebagai #RumahKedua, di mana perusahaan ini berusaha untuk menciptakan suasana homey sehingga para Nutrifooders bisa merasa nyaman dan menghasilkan kolaborasi yang positif."

Aurelio Gunajaya