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La Trobe BCSA Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
"Walaupun di LinkAja ini terlihat sebagai startup tetapi untuk jenjang karir di sini sangatlah jelas"

Anindya Hiroshi

  • Graduate stories
"Training-nya yang didapatkan sebagai Management Trainee sangat banyak dan bermanfaat, terutama yang berhubungan dengan softskill"

Anis Sukarno Putri

  • Graduate stories
"Hal yang aku sukai sebagai intern di Bukalapak ini adalah tim ku. Mereka bener-bener supportive, komunikatif, appreciative, dan mau saling membantu."

Anisa Tsyalasyani

  • Graduate stories
"Jangan pernah sia-siakan kesempatan, kita tidak pernah tahu akan dapat rezeki dimana"

Anisabila Galuh Purbosari

  • Graduate stories
I would like to suggest that the students first take a moment and find out what they want to do or which job provides them with the satisfaction of mind. Then, they can move forward by applying for those internships.

Anish Sinha

  • Graduate stories
What I like the most is to be involved in the development of cities, by taking part in projects that have an impact on people’s daily life and travels.

Anissa Larej

  • Graduate stories

Anjanette Enriquez

  • Graduate stories
To be a successful product designer, being a proactive designer is important. Having good communication skills, being able to interact with various stakeholders from an associate product designer to a developer and convincing them of your idea is the key. Being creative and coming up with new ideas are also essential.

Ankita Sengar