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La Trobe BCSA Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
Don’t be afraid to go for roles you wouldn’t typically go for – you won’t know if you enjoy something until you try it, and where you end up can be very different than what you originally planned.

Amelia Rogers

  • Graduate stories
As an analyst I am responsible for being a jack-of-all-trades and supporting senior staff with the finer details of business delivery.

Amelia Waller

  • Graduate stories
My current area of work, Review and Dispute Resolution (‘RDR’) engages early with clients to try to resolve disputes without the need for costly litigation.

Amelya Pittas

  • Graduate stories
The idea of working for a company that produces life-saving devices in healthcare and leading-edge technology in power and renewables, versus working for a company that sells non-material products or a company that services only one market, made it an easy choice for me in the end.

Amied Shadmaan

  • Graduate stories
"Beban kerja di SCM itu tidak over banget, jadi santai, fleksibel, tidak buat beban dan stress. Dari SCM itu, karyawannya juga sangat welcome dan helpful ke intern, sangat merangkul"


  • Graduate stories
In my perspective, the greatest gift of my job is knowing that my work makes a difference in someone else’s day.

Amirah Ali

  • Graduate stories
"Aku sebagai intern diberikan benefit yang menarik yaitu akses belajar ke courses gratis di platform e-learning."

Amirah Meuthia Dahlan

  • Graduate stories
The meaningful and challenging work that teachers do, that cannot be replaced by technology, resembles that of a highly effective leader.

Ammar Aldaoud